My Services


How can I help?

  1. I help teachers understand mathematics and STEM more deeply so their students learn more.   

  2. I help teachers learn to use manipulatives effectively so they build a solid conceptual foundation in mathematics for their students.

  3. I help teachers develop a wider range of research-based instructional strategy so their classroom instruction is more effective for every learner.

  4. I help schools & districts plan curriculum & instruction which engages students in a rigorous and coherent mathematics program.  


Professional Development

Research-Based Strategies

Standards in Action

Workshops, Coaching & Demos

MY Expertise

  • Mathematics teaching and learning from primary grades through beginning algebra
  • Coherence in mathematics teaching and learning
  • Building vertical and horizontal connections within the mathematics program
  • Illuminating mathematics through physical, visual, verbal, contextual, and symbolic representations
  • Supporting mathematics teaching and learning with award-winning literature
  • Highlighting mathematics as a tool for integrated STEM instruction
  • STEM challenges as a context for applying mathematics
  • Supporting problem solving with the engineering design process


  • Mathematics must make sense to teachers and students
  • Multiple representations are a powerful and important tool for making this happen.
  • Mathematics is best learned by doing mathematics - solving relevant and engaging problems and exploring mathematical ideas.
  • STEM can provide an important context for learning mathematics.
  • Excellent mathematics teaching & learning happens within a coherent curriculum
  • Love the ability to build and see how these [manipulatives] work. Love the thought put into the materials.
    — Workshop Participant
  • Great investigation for students. I can just hear the good math dialogue.
    — Workshop Participant
  • Your presentation yesterday morning...has, in retrospect, proven to be the high point of the conference....Your talk yesterday tied up all sorts of loose ends for me: I know see how I've been missing the jump between the concrete (which I get, and have little trouble with) and the abstract. The middle step of the representational/pictorial is something I've only recently been exposed to ...and I now see why it's as important as it is. It wold have taken much longer for me to make the connections without having heard your talk, and I'm most grateful.
    — High School Algebra Teacher
  • This was great!! I was furiously taking notes so I can go back and use this info in my room! Thank you!
    — Webinar Participant